Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Things about print and play.

So today we got to enjoy the glory that is print and play games. (The best part by far, was cutting them out) Getting past that though...

We played (or tried to play 3 games).
the first one was great. It was a fun little game called hydra. The goal was to assemble a hydra with the most heads while keeping other players from cutting/blocking yours (while doing the same to them) at the same time.
And while it was the most basic game (it was nothing more than a deck of like 50 or so cards). It was the only one we could actually play
The other games (like Neolithic Ops, which was beautifully laid out and fun to look at)

either required some prior knowledge of a different game, or pieces that they didn't give you to print.
Other games like the Brazilian Revolution had the entire board in Portuguese and just sorta expected the player to be ok with that.

Despite some wasted time these games did teach me a few things though:
A. If you wanna make readable rules, use pictures.
B. If you're going to make a print and play game, make sure you can ACTUALLY PRINT AND PLAY THE DAMN GAME
C. Hexagonal tiles are cool.
D. Being able to explain the rules is like 50% of actually getting to play the game.
E. Rules are really important

Links to some we played:
Heres some nicely arranged pictures thanks to Blogger's system

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