Sunday, September 7, 2014

Thoughts on nintendo

Seeing as most of these post wont be read, I figured i'd fill some of this blog with some of the things on my mind rather than w/e is trending on the internet (because you wouldn't bother reading it here).
So heres my opinion/thoughts on nintendo...
With all the Pokemon hype coming up as the release date for Ruby/Saphire 2.0 draws closer, I feel like nintendo is starting to hit a problem. They're running out of games. If I think back at E3 and think about all the games announced, I can only put my finger on one 3rd party game that was announced for nintendo. Furthermore, I can really only think of two other games that weren't just continuations of a series (like SSB4) and even those were just glorified Mario World starting toad/yoshi. When you really look at it, it seems like Nintendo is stuck in a situation where the only "good" games they're able to put out are games that are built around its core characters, or are already have a well established player-base. And although that sort of thing may work for a smaller company like Bungie (Halo series), a massive empire like Nintendo cant continue to survive off what measly output its able to produce. You can only recreate pokemon so many times before people start dropping off. You can only release so many SSBs before people move to a new game. There can only be so many reskins and remakes of the same damn game before people simply get bored.
All in all, despite how important they were to the growth of video games, it seems to me like Nintendo really needs something new, and fast.

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