Thursday, September 17, 2015

Back at it: Game Design ideas

For our next assignment, we're making a prop based off a game mechanic (like a jetpack or rocket boots). Here are some of the ideas I have:

  • Gun that shoots two types of disc's that create a field around it that either slows or accelerates time. 
  • Revolving "flame" thrower that can alternate between gasoline, acid, and liquid nitrogen.
  • Shield that can revolve wrap around the arm to become a gauntlet.
  • Cannon that shoots a single ball, attached to a chain (with a reel on the back for reloading).
  • Giant longbow that can also be used as jet powered wings.
  • Two sided hammer with a vac pump on one side and a pneumatic launcher on the other. (One end intakes, the other shoots it out really fast)
  • Gauntlets with a massive spring loaded fist on each end. (can also be used to jump!)
  • Gun that shoots mini force actors set to high values that stick to surfaces. (attach mini rockets to stuff)
  • Gun that absorbs light from one end and fires it as a high powered laser from the other.
  • Cloud launcher that shoots different types of clouds (Some rise, some fall, some are soft, some are thunder clouds, some are poison, etc?)
  • Gun that shoots simple shapes (spheres, triangles, cubes), and can also cut holes of the same shapes into objects

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