Monday, September 21, 2015

Game Design: Mechanics In Action

 The first one is a gun that shoots clouds! Yellow ones are lightning, Red clouds are hard, blue clouds rise, and purple clouds are super soft! It can be used in so many ways

 The next one is a gun that creates two types of fields, one that slows time and one that speeds it up!

The final one shoots shapes! It can shoot squares, circles and triangles. (of various sizes). It can also cut holes of the same shapes into other objects

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Back at it: Game Design ideas

For our next assignment, we're making a prop based off a game mechanic (like a jetpack or rocket boots). Here are some of the ideas I have:

  • Gun that shoots two types of disc's that create a field around it that either slows or accelerates time. 
  • Revolving "flame" thrower that can alternate between gasoline, acid, and liquid nitrogen.
  • Shield that can revolve wrap around the arm to become a gauntlet.
  • Cannon that shoots a single ball, attached to a chain (with a reel on the back for reloading).
  • Giant longbow that can also be used as jet powered wings.
  • Two sided hammer with a vac pump on one side and a pneumatic launcher on the other. (One end intakes, the other shoots it out really fast)
  • Gauntlets with a massive spring loaded fist on each end. (can also be used to jump!)
  • Gun that shoots mini force actors set to high values that stick to surfaces. (attach mini rockets to stuff)
  • Gun that absorbs light from one end and fires it as a high powered laser from the other.
  • Cloud launcher that shoots different types of clouds (Some rise, some fall, some are soft, some are thunder clouds, some are poison, etc?)
  • Gun that shoots simple shapes (spheres, triangles, cubes), and can also cut holes of the same shapes into objects