Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Adventures in programming: Time Pilot

For our final programming assignment, we get to recreate an arcade game, me and my partner (Trent Sivek) choose to do Time Pilot.

This is a rather large task as there are a lot of small things that are essential to the game, such as the specific movement paterns of the ship and AI, or the firing function of the ship. The list of tasks are as follows:
Player movement
Player shooting
AI movement (varies per enemy)
AI shooting
Pilot rescue
Boss Spawning
HUD system
Point system

The visuals needed are singnificantly simpler as all the ships pretty much look the same and the background is just blue with clouds. The list of them are as follows:
Player ship
Enemy Ships (varies per level)
Boss ships
Pilots (to rescue)
Particles (like explosions)

Im quite excited for this

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