Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Adventures in programming: Time Pilot

For our final programming assignment, we get to recreate an arcade game, me and my partner (Trent Sivek) choose to do Time Pilot.

This is a rather large task as there are a lot of small things that are essential to the game, such as the specific movement paterns of the ship and AI, or the firing function of the ship. The list of tasks are as follows:
Player movement
Player shooting
AI movement (varies per enemy)
AI shooting
Pilot rescue
Boss Spawning
HUD system
Point system

The visuals needed are singnificantly simpler as all the ships pretty much look the same and the background is just blue with clouds. The list of them are as follows:
Player ship
Enemy Ships (varies per level)
Boss ships
Pilots (to rescue)
Particles (like explosions)

Im quite excited for this

Friday, April 10, 2015

Adventures in programming: Racing HUD

For programing we're now making a HUD for our racing level. 
I added some images of what that'll look like. 
I really love the more minimalistic view that this has, but because my racing level is in a temple and im driving an older car, odds are ill have to go for something more traditional, like the one below.

Heres the idea that i'm hoping to go for, it uses the same look and font as an actual 1969 camaro 

Adventures in game design: Racing!

Project CARS was being talked about for a little while as the next contender for Forza. Based off this trailer, it probably has a good chance. Cool drifting and shiney high detail cars going across a normal race track is all these games are about, and thats all you see in this trailer.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Adventures in programming: Torch Particle

For programming i made a torch fire effect. Check it out!

The bulk of the work came from the material, which was a mixture of cloud/smoke textures panned and tiled a specific way.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Adventures in programming: Particle Research

For programming we have to make a particle effect.
Seeing as i'm doing a temple, torches was the way to go, so i did some research and gathered reference of fire and torches, check it out.
Here are some slow motion tutorials:

Heres an example of a smoke flip card, ill need to make something along these lines